Grateful Hugs

November 05, 2024

Grateful Hugs

Grateful Hugs

November is the month of thanksgiving. A tradition that reminds us of the lovely things that bind us together - to share love, community, food, thankfulness. And this is something that we need to keep with us daily. From my experience, every day is a day of thanksgiving (as is told in the Bible). Thinking of all of the things that I am grateful for reminds me of the blessings in life and fills me with joy. And especially if I am having a bad day, it gets me back on track to finding that joy. Read below for more gratitude benefits. 

On another note, I received an email from Southside Church in Newnan, Georgia today and I wanted to share it with you.

Today, Americans have the opportunity to choose a leader for our nation. We also have a choice as to how we'll respond to what this day holds. 

The apostle Paul wrote these words to Timothy, his son in the faith...
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.  1 Timothy 2:1-6
As followers of Jesus, Paul's words are an appropriate guide for our response moving forward. Let's choose to:
  • Pray for those in authority—whether they were our candidate of choice or not. 
  • Pray that we will be a light to those around us through the peace and godliness we display. 
  • Pray that we align our hearts with God's heart so that all people can be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. 
A prayer for election day 

Big long hug! Vicki



Gratitude is not just saying thanks for the big things in life. It's also appreciating the little things that sprinkle joy throughout our day. Although it’s simple in nature, its impact can be quite powerful. By adding more gratitude to your day, you’re setting yourself up for a happier and healthier life. Embracing gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring life’s challenges. It means choosing to focus more attention on the positives than the negatives bringing more abundance into your life. 

1. Gratitude can help you notice the positive in life
It’s easy to focus on the negatives, but you’re better able to appreciate the good, no matter how frustrating your day has been, when you practice gratitude. When you put in the effort to be grateful, you’ll start noticing positive moments more often.
2. Gratitude reminds us about what’s important
With so much happening around us, we sometimes forget what really matters. Gratitude acts like a gentle nudge, reminding us to value friends, family, health, a job... 
3. Gratitude encourages you to live in the moment
When you're grateful, you're not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future — you're appreciating what’s taking place in the now. Being present is about enjoying that cup of coffee while it’s still warm or listening to your spouse about their day.
4. Gratitude reduces comparison
When you're thankful for what you have, you’re less likely to feel the need to have what other people possess. This practice can lead to increased self-esteem and less negative talk.
5. Gratitude boosts your mood
When you feel and express gratitude in your daily life, it improves your mood. When someone thanks you or appreciates you, it lifts you up, doesn't it? Positive thinking allows you to share happiness with others around you.
6. Gratitude helps to strengthen relationships
Sharing your gratitude isn't just for you. When you express it to others, it strengthens bonds. Maybe it's thanking a friend for being there or appreciating a family member's effort to clean the kitchen. Gratitude is a simple way to make relationships even stronger.


Journaling is a wonderful way everyday or when needed to focus on good things that happened to you in a given set of time. Writing down a few things you are grateful for is one of the easiest and most popular exercises of gratitude. Paying attention to what you are grateful for becomes easier as you practice it. Here are some helpful prompts for your journal entries:


  1. I’m grateful for these things I hear:
  2. I’m grateful for these things I see:
  3. I’m grateful for these things I smell:
  4. I’m grateful for these things I touch/feel:
  5. I’m grateful for these things I taste:
  6. I’m grateful for these things in my home:
  7. I’m grateful for these animals/birds:
  8. I’m grateful for these friends:
  9. I’m grateful for these family members:
  10. I'm grateful for (create your category):



Hug Box gifts to say thank you, send a gratitude gift.

Grateful Hugs Hug Box. A perfect gift to say thank you or for someone who needs uplifted. Birthday surprise gift too!

Happy Healthy Hugs Hug Box. A perfect way to say get well soon or send for thinking of you, sympathy, birthday gift and holiday hugs. Filled with local artisan goods.



  • Thursday, November 7 - CRAFT NIGHT, 4-6 pm, Leaf and Bean, Downtown Newnan, Georgia
  • Wednesday, November 13 - FREE YOGA, 1:30-2:30 pm,  Newnan Carnegie Library, Downtown Newnan, Georgia. For more fun free events at Newnan Carnegie Library, CLICK HERE
  • Friday, November 22 - HOLIDAY SIP & SEE, 5-9pm, Small Businesses Mainstreet Event, Downtown Newnan, Georgia
  • Friday, November 29 - PLAID FRIDAY,  Small Businesses Mainstreet Event,  Downtown Newnan, Georgia
  • Saturday, November 30 - SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY. The perfect day to support your local small business shops and restaurants. For more information on the idea behind this wonderful day, click here.

  • Friday, December 6 - BASEMENT BAZAAR, 5-9pm, David Boyd Gallery, Downtown Newnan, Georgia 
    This is the last Basement Bazaar of the year. Follow @creativemarketga and @thehugbox for updates. 
  • Saturday, December 7MARKET DAY, 10am-2pm, Downtown Newnan, Georgia
    Some of the Basement Bazaar artists and makers will also be setup during Market Day if you can't make it on the previous Friday evening.



Frolic is 2-3 years old. He is a sweet boy who gets along well with people and loves to play ball and prance about.
To read more about him and to fill out adoption papers. 

Be sure to checkout your local rescues to adopt your dog or cat. CLICK HERE for more details for local adoption in Newnan, Georgia.


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