Happy 2023!

January 16, 2023

Happy 2023!

Happy 2023!

Little late, but like everyone else, I needed that first of the new year time to rest and reflect after the holiday season.

Taking a look back at 2022, I realized that focusing on JOY, LOVE and COMMUNITY for me and the Hug Box shop the key to staying on track through good and bad days. It was a wonderful year, but a blur! One big change was moving to a new location at the end of the year, it definitely added in some extra work and time, but an exciting new adventure. And so filled with joy to still be alongside my friend Laura at the Newnan Book Company.

Keeping it new and filled with JOY here at the Hug Box is always a priority. That means updated Hug Box themes, new products and some new artisans. And a little refresh of the Hug Box packaging. As a graphic designer, I would love to get extravagant with my gift box design, but for the Hug Box brand it's more conserving on packaging and being sustainable and it's what's on the inside tha counts! and the hug of course!

Often at the shop, I will ask customers for their feedback or suggestions and I take notes! And when I can get my artisan friends involved in creating more of what the customers are asking for or suggesting that is even better! Many conversations occur at the Hug Box shop. This is our COMMUNITY and it brings so much JOY. There are chats about art, business, love, friendship, loss, sickness, hardship, and God and how we can be there for each other, even if it's just the one chat or a hug. These experiences with my artisan friends, customers, new faces to the COMMUNITY, visitors from other states are a constant affirmation that this is my path for this time of my life and to keep listening for ways to serve and always LOVE everyone the way Jesus loves us. Yes, I am a Jesus lover and try to be a follower the best way I can. I have enough proof in my lifetime thus far that He is there for me and loves me no matter what. I only need to let Him. Surrender to Him. 

And so as far as renewing in a new year, these are my constant resolutions. I hope your year is a beautiful and loving one! 

Love and hugs,

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